Mrs. Alfred J. Bonner
July 2, 2021
Rev. Paul Jones
July 6, 2021
Mrs. Alfred J. Bonner
July 2, 2021
Rev. Paul Jones
July 6, 2021Carole Allen Simmons is known for her popular rendition of “Worthy Vessel,” which has over 40,000 hits on YouTube.
She began singing as a child in a group called the Allenettes, accompanied by her siblings, Myra, Bennie Earl, and Samuel Ray. Carole could be found on Sundays singing at Emmanuel COGIC, where her father, Rev. Benny Earl Allen Sr. was pastor. She often sang after her father preached. Known for having a New Year’s Eve musical, culminating in a New Year’s Day morning breakfast allowed her to show off culinary skills.
1943 – 1992