V. Micheal McKay
Creative Director / Founder As Creative Director of the Gospel Music Haus and Museum, I would like to personally thank each of you who have supported this vision from its inception until now. It is true that one’s attitude determines one’s altitude; however, it is also a fact that one’s gratitude determines one’s altitude. So, again, I say “thank you.”The journey towards building a museum, a home to document the legacy of Gospel Music locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally has already been rewarding. We have set ourselves apart from other museums given our foundation will be built on the shoulders of hidden treasures, under-celebrated musical giants, and unknown influencers, intentionally from the bottom up. We will begin by exploring and discovering those who influenced the known Gospel Music icons. Hence, we’ve initiated a gallery of individuals in Houston and Dallas, Texas. We add to it as we identify who other deceased, yet often unrecognized individuals are. We aim to keep their legacies alive. They are our rock. They make up our foundation. We will establish the Gospel Music Haus and Museum always keeping them in mind.
Lyrically, Gospel Music is a historical documentation of its lyricists, composers, songwriters, singers, and musicians. Regardless of whether or not intentional, and I believe the former, one can trace their feelings about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, as well as trace the history of the culture of the American Negro through the stories imbedded in Gospel songs. I too suggest that one can trace our history and feel our love for God, joys, sorrows, tensions, passions, and victories as we searched for peace through the expressions of the singers who sang Gospel Music and the musicians who accompanied them. That search for peace continues. Our investment in those who create and contribute is never ending.
Passing the baton is necessary in running a good relay. Attrition will happen to each of us in life. Whether by relocation or retirement, cancellation or death, or by any other means, nonetheless, it will happen. We are intentional in planning for the future of the Gospel Music Haus and Museum by identifying young professionals to prepare, train, teach, develop, expose, and ultimately trust by passing down truths about Gospel Music, but also by making space for them and their voice concerning how the GMHM is being established.
The race is given to the one who endures to the end. Truth! We are committed to finish the work our hands have been assigned. I welcome each interested individual who is passionate about the cause and vision to visit our www.GospelMusicHausMuseum.com and let us know who you are.
V. Michael McKay