Rod Thompson, Managing Director
Our sense of urgency with this endeavor is high because many of the pioneers of Gospel Music have passed on. There are a few living legends still around and we intend to include them in the development and creation of this special place. As someone who grew up a drummer in the church (Mount Zion Baptist Church) in Austin, TX, I’m honored to have witnessed and played for individuals such as Ruth Sauls, Kenneth Brown, Darrell Slaughter and Harriette.
Once I moved to Houston to attend the University of Houston, I am grateful to have been the first drummer for Brentwood Baptist Church, Dr. Joe S. Ratliff, Pastor. During this experience, I played with individuals such as Theola Booker, Dr. Ed Artis, Shirley Joiner, Ronald Matterre, Hanq Neal and Reverend Paul Jones. What an “Experience”. The Gospel Music Haus and Museum desires to ensure that generations to come understand who these people where and what they meant to our communities. I am thankful to still have access to a living legend in V. Michael McKay. Like those who have passed on, Mike has touched many with his songs and leadership of Gospel Music. I am the man I am today because many of these Gospel greats touched my life over the years through a word or a song. If you have been in a service with one of these Gospel Legends, you know exactly what I am talking about.
With that in mind, I welcome you to join us in supporting the development and, ultimately, the construction of the Gospel Music Haus and Museum. Our vision is for this to be built here in Houston; however, this place will be recognized nationally. We are grateful for the current support of our Mayor (Sylvester Turner), local, state and federal public officials. We need your support as well. Become a Donor or Sponsor!